Helping young men be responsible!
MentorMe is a program that was developed to specifically target our African American young men between the ages of 12-18. The prurpose of this program is to help develop a heightened sense of responsibility and accountability to themselves, their families and community. Through pairing these young men with an adult “mentor”, we begin the process of teaching them how to develop those positive internal values, which in turn, molds their outward actions.

Our program success is based on consistency.
Youth consistency, mentor consistency and parent consistency all play a vital role in making sure the goals we set are attainable. The presence of these young men in our workshops and outings, trips and other projects rely heavily on the involvement of the parents and guardians. We put forth extra effort to make it feasible for parents and guardians to see that their young men are present for all activities.

The Mentor to Mentee Relationship.
Our mentors are fully-equipped to guide, give advice, and support the mentee. We understand that the keys to a successful mentorship relationship is creating trust, defining our roles and establishing goals using open and supportive communication. and working together to solve problems with the best solution possible!